sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2011

Ce este Moonspell Street Team Romania ?What is Moonspell Street Team Romania ?

Street Team-ul este un grup de persoane care promoveaza voluntar o trupa , in acest caz MOONSPELL.
Indaoririle ST sunt date de membrii MOONSPELL sau de ST insusi,si constau in distribuirea de fly-ere,stick-ere,postere sau pur si simplu de bannere pe internet(forumuri,my space,site-uri,twitter,etc)
Membrii ST nu au aucces gratuit la concerte ,bilete mai ieftine sau orice alt avantaj fata de ceilalti fani care nu fac parte din ST ,decat in cazul in care trupa decide acest lucru.

A Street Team is a group of persons that promote voluntarily the band that they like, in this case MOONSPELL .
The tasks of the Street Team are given to us by the MOONSPELL  members or by the Street Team itself, and can consist in distribution of flyers, stickers, posters, or simply of banners, etc in the internet (forums, myspace, hi5, sites,twitter,etc)
The members of the Street Team doesnt have free entrances for concerts, cheaper tickets, or any another advantage regarding the other MOONSPELL fans not belonging to the team, unless decided by the band.

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