marți, 29 noiembrie 2011


5,12.2011 - XY ROCK , VALENCIA

luni, 7 noiembrie 2011

Moonspell & Opus Diabolicum - Incrivel Almadense 31.10.2011

Moonspell has maintained the tradition of the past 10 years, having a concert in Halloween night  aiming  to introduce this date as the night of Moonspell. The motto of the night was Wolfheart, the band's first album released in 1995
On reaching the location since the row had a tendency to increase, it was the affluence of the space. We could find some masked zombies and fantastic creatures, who calmly waited to enter the location. Entering, I found that already a lot of people who went by the stage and seating in the front rows of the two balconies, it was expected that the hall would reach its limit.On stage, a giant curtain reflected the band's photos taken in the 90's, when the Wolfheart  album was released . At 22h the Incrivel Almadense was full and the anxiety felt by the entry of Moonspell on stage. Amidst the sound of guitars, a last pitch of the sound check, the audience whistled and called for the delayed entry of the band on stage.
Then we heard the beginning of the song "I'll See You in My Dreams" which the audience responded with anxiety printed into the voices, foretelling the imminent entry of the band. It was shortly after it heard a voice announce: "Welcome to the night of the wolf, the night of Wolfheart. Are you ready? Ladies and gentlemen,  wolves from this huge wolf pack...Moonspell".
The beginning sound of "Wolfshade" invaded the area and was visible behind the curtain,the entry of the musicians. When the curtain opened, Fernando Ribeiro, singer came on stage and the audience greeted him with general applause. Has been given the heavy beginning to a concert from the first moment. The public has always been present, singing, shouting, cheering and living every moment with energy. The band, as promised, was playing songs by the exact sequence of the album "Wolfheart". Fernando Ribeiro was pulling the public, with phrases such as "Almadense, let's go" and the public would respond to his advances as a human sea singing in unison.
After the song "Lua D'Inverno",  Fernando said that this concert was dedicated to all  Moonspell fans, the true fans, those who have made "Wolfheart", what he is calling ''a pack''. After "Trebaruna" they added  "Ataegina," a song that is not in the first edition of the album in question. Fernando justified this with the reason that the German publisher didn't posted it on the CD at that time because he labeled it as ''some national drinking song''.
Fernando, this time wearing a jacket appealing aspect to a vampire,  sang "Vampiria". This is a  well known theme by the public as it is a common theme in their concerts. They finished the first part with the song considered the band's anthem, "Alma Mater". This theme had as special guest ,the guitarist who recorded it originally Tanngrisnir.
After a brief interval, the Gothic bellydancers  "Ignis Fatuus Luna" came on stage, dancing the beginning of the song "Tenebrarum Oratorium I", taken from the EP Under the Moonspell, triggering a second part also full of intensity, with themes very well known to fans, such as Opium and Mephisto.
Just before the end of the show , Fernando Ribeiro thanks to the proper organization,having the chance to return to the mythical space that is Incrivel Almadense, the dancers and guest guitarist, to all fans in attendance who made this moment possible. Also spoke of the release of the new album, scheduled for spring 2012, making a little joke with the song "Ace of Spades" of Motorhead, saying it was a part of the new themes.He consideres the new album as one of the best works done by the band and hoping that it will also be well received  by the public.
The end was great  with the fans singing in one voice one of  the emblematic songs of the band, "Fullmoon Madness". After its completion,  general applausefilled the place and although acclaimed, band fired up a long time, bringing together all stakeholders(people involved/organisation), but has not returned.
The concert was followed by an after-show with the band Opus Diabolicum those to whom Fernando, still on stage, announced as their dolphins. The after-show took place in the cine-almadense and was attended by some special guests and friends of the band. In a quiet and intimate atmosphere Opus Diabolicum played various topics of Moonspell and also featured an original song inspired by them. Fernando Ribeiro and Mike Gaspar came on stage at Alma Mater and sang an improvised theme with them.
It was the end of an intense, big night full of mysticism and soul .

Review by Miriam Mateus

luni, 10 octombrie 2011

Moonspell - Night of the Wolf (A Noite da Lobo)-31.10.2011 Incrivel Almadense

''Moonspell started in early'90s in the room of a friend.An idea who's reality we follow every day refining and evolving by everything we learned since then. In 2011, in the present, we are about to make a trip to the past while our senses are seduced by the future, for our new album. In 2011 we know that a band not only combines a tense but is composed of three times, past, present and future. It's like a large picture that is seen in its fullness.On the 31st of October we will present one of the most beautiful and important images of this photograph, playing in its entire and in order all songs that comose our first album Wolfheart.Wolfheart was released in 1995 and since then has sold over 150,000 copys worldwide, has been licensed in countries such as Russia, Mexico or Thailand (on tape), and CTT stamp was part of the lives of thousands of people.It is with genuine pleasure that we present it this way the first time in the country that inspired us in, the hall that saw us take the first steps exactly at that time
The concert will consist of a first part where the disc will be play in full but not only this with all pleasure we'll be back on stage to play songs from all our times.After us in Cinetheater of Incrivel Almadense ,we have Opus Diabolicum, the string quintet and percussion, created as a tribute to Moonspell of five young classical musicians children of the heritage started with Moonspell that already shared the stage with us (on Sombra tour) and prepare to step with us on the most important stage of Metal: the Wacken Open Air in August 2012.They will play some of his pieces for all of you here tonight at FNAC.To enter the concert of Opus Diabolicum in Almada you must pay attention to the Moonspell official page on fb there will the list of invites will be published for the end of this special night.
Moonspell as hosts promise one more Halloween night to remember and we hope that you all will enjoy it and take home a memory as significant as this disk with the heart of a wolf - Wolfheart''
Fernando Ribeiro September 29th,2011

Os Moonspell começaram quando a década de 90 se iniciava, num quarto de um amigo. Uma ideia cuja realidade perseguimos todos os dias, e que vamos refinando e evoluindo com tudo o que aprendemos desde aí. Em 2011, no presente, estamos prestes a fazer uma viagem ao passado enquanto os nossos sentidos estão seduzidos pelo futuro, pelo nosso disco novo. Em 2011 sabemos que uma banda não se conjuga só num tempo verbal mas que se compõe dos três tempos, passado, presente e futuro. É como uma fotografia grande que se vê na sua plenitude.

Dia 31 de Outubro vamos apresentar uma das imagens mais belas e importantes dessa fotografia, tocando na íntegra e por ordem todos os temas que fizeram o Wolfheart, o nosso primeiro álbum. O Wolfheart foi lançado em 1995 e desde aí já vendeu mais de 150.000 discos por todo o mundo, foi licenciado em países como a Federação Russa, México ou Tailândia (em cassete), foi selo dos CTT e faz parte da vida de milhares de pessoas. É com genuíno prazer que o apresentamos pela primeira vez desta forma no país que o inspirou e na sala que nos viu dar os primeiros passos exactamente nessa altura.

O concerto consistirá numa primeira parte em que tocaremos o disco na íntegra mas não ficará por aí já que com todo o gosto voltaremos ao palco para tocar mais peças de todas as nossas épocas. Depois de nós, no Cineteatro da incrivel, teremos os Opus Diabolicum, o quinteto de cordas e percussão, criado como tributo aos Moonspell por cinco jovens músicos clássicos, filhos da herança começada com o Wolfheart, e que já partilharam connosco (na tour Sombra) os palcos do país e que se preparam para pisar connosco o palco mais importante do Metal: o do Wacken open air, em Agosto de 2012. Eles irão tocar algumas das suas peças para todos vós esta noite aqui na FNAC. Para entrar no concerto dos Opus em Almada será preciso estarem atentos ao FB oficial dos Moonspell pois lá será gerada, através de um passatempo, a lista de convidados para este final de noite especial.
Os Moonspell prometem mais outra noite para recordar e como anfitriões de mais um Halloween esperamos que todos se divirtam e levem para casa uma memória tão significativa como este disco com coração de lobo. *

* Fernando Ribeiro, Almada, 29 de Setembro de 2011.

vineri, 7 octombrie 2011

Moonspell in Por UM OBJECTIVO

POR UM OBJECTIVO(For an objective) is a project of the Portuguese Platforms of NGOD  that gatheres together eight Portuguese bands for eight important goals in common for the development of humanity:the Millennium Development Goals .
This project began when three young people (Carolina Martins, Cesar Neto and Nuno da Silva Jorge) in collaboration with the Portuguese NGODs Platform, thought about doing a different project, innovative with a sense of active citizenship and involving civil society.
Eight Portuguese bands united for a common goal !There are eight bands who feel the objectives that are associated, they think about and act to change something :Moonspell,Orelha Negra, Souls of Fire, Noiserv, João Só e os Abandonados, Easyway, Humble e Nu Soul Family give voice to a goal.
The objectives are:Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger,Reach universal primary education.Promote of gender equality and empower women,Reduce by two thirds infant mortality.Improve maternal health,Fighting HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases,Ensure environmental sustainability,Develop a global partnership for development.
There is  a little contest going every week, in wich, each band asks people to guess what is their objective.The winners get merchandising, CDs of the band and an invite for the special event, that takes placeon the 26th of this month.. in wich they´re going to show the song the eight band worked and recorded together for this eight objectives.Moonspell's objective is: Reach universal primary education.
This is Moonspell's week at POR UM OBJECTIVO.The band is also going to dedicate a song for their objective, that is going to be on the CD POR UM OBJECTIVO.The CD is not for sale, is a limited edition of 1000 copys, of 9 tracks: one from each band and one music with all bands, and is also a book with the story of the project.
More info about this project at : and POR UM OBJECTIVO : and Nuno da Silva Jorge

POR UM OBJECTIVO (Pentru un obiectiv) este un proiect al Platformelor portugheze ale NGOD care au cooptat opt trupe portugheze pentru opt obiective comune importante pentru dezvoltarea umanităţii: Obiectivele de Dezvoltare ale Mileniului.
Acest proiect a inceput atunci cand trei tineri (Carolina Martins, Cesar Neto şi Nuno da Silva Jorge), în colaborare cu Platforma portugheza NGOD, si-au propous sa faca un  proiect diferit, inovator, cu un simt civic dezvoltat şi implicarea societăţii civile. 
Opt trupe portugheze unite pentru un scop comun! Sunt opt trupe care simt ca obiectivele le sunt asociate, se gândesc şi acţionează pentru a schimba ceva:Moonspell,Orelha Negra, Souls of fire, Noiserv, João Só e os Abandonados, Easyway, Humble e Nu Soul Family isi dau vocea in acest scop.
Obiectivele sunt: eradicarea sărăciei extreme şi a foametei,asigurarea educatiei de baza pentru fiecare copil,promovarea egalitatii sexelor si acreditarea femeii,reducerea cu doua treimi a mortalitatii infantile,imbunantatirea sanatatii maternale,lupta impotriva HIV/AIDS, malariei si altor boli,asigurarea umui mediu durabil,elaborarea unui parteneriat global pentru dezvoltare.
In fiecare saptamana are loc un mic concurs in care trupa le cere oamenilor sa ghiceasca obiectivul sau.Castigatorii primesc produse promotionale, CD-uri ale trupei si o invitatie pentru eveniment special, care are loc în data de 26 octombrie...eveniment la care va fi prezentata o piesa la care cele opt trupe au lucrat si inregistrat impreuna pentru aceste opt obiective.Obiectivul Moonspell este asigurarea educatiei de baza pentru fiecare copil.
Aceasta este saptamana Moonspell la POR UM OBJECTIVO.Moonspell vor dedica de asemenea o piesa pentru obiectivul lor, piesa ce va fi inclusa pe CD -ul POR UM OBJECTIVO.CD-ul nu este de vanzare, este o editie limitata de 1000 de exemplare cu noua piese una de la fiecare trupa si melodia pe care o vor interpreta toate trupele impreuna si de asemenea o carte cu povestea acestui proiect.
Mai multe informatii despre acest proiect : si Sursa POR UM OBJECTIVO : and Nuno da Silva Jorge

sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2011

Ce este Moonspell Street Team Romania ?What is Moonspell Street Team Romania ?

Street Team-ul este un grup de persoane care promoveaza voluntar o trupa , in acest caz MOONSPELL.
Indaoririle ST sunt date de membrii MOONSPELL sau de ST insusi,si constau in distribuirea de fly-ere,stick-ere,postere sau pur si simplu de bannere pe internet(forumuri,my space,site-uri,twitter,etc)
Membrii ST nu au aucces gratuit la concerte ,bilete mai ieftine sau orice alt avantaj fata de ceilalti fani care nu fac parte din ST ,decat in cazul in care trupa decide acest lucru.

A Street Team is a group of persons that promote voluntarily the band that they like, in this case MOONSPELL .
The tasks of the Street Team are given to us by the MOONSPELL  members or by the Street Team itself, and can consist in distribution of flyers, stickers, posters, or simply of banners, etc in the internet (forums, myspace, hi5, sites,twitter,etc)
The members of the Street Team doesnt have free entrances for concerts, cheaper tickets, or any another advantage regarding the other MOONSPELL fans not belonging to the team, unless decided by the band.